ご覧いただきありがとうございます。遊戯王 初期 vol1〜vol7 未開封 合計7パックパックはフィルム入れて保管しております。コレクション等にいかがでしょうか。よろしくお願いいたします。Thanks for visting in my page.This is Yu-gi-oh Vol.1〜vo.7(1st pack)unopened pack in Japanese.It was selled about 20years ago in Japan.Thats why, its not perfect condition but its not dirty.I mean, pack condition is not bad.It has grown up of value recently and, its going to be more high price in the future I think.Please ask me if you have any question by comment box.e:gTo add another picter.To see difference side picter or whatever.I can receive your comment in English.Thanks.