洋書 ハードカバー新品・未使用 シュリンク包装あり(シュリンクにスレあり)ヴィトラデザインミュージアムによるデザイナー マルセル・ブロイヤー回顧録入手時のシュリンク未開封ですが自宅での長期保管品のためご理解ある方のみご購入ください非喫煙 ペットなし出版社 Vitra Design Stiftung寸法 25 × 3.7 × 28 cm(アマゾンによる本の説明)The retrospective produced by the Vitra Design Museum pays tribute to Breuers well-known contributions to 20th century design history. Yet it also brings renewed attention to his architectural works which have fallen somewhat into oblivion in the past decades. This catalogue includes essays by several renowned experts on Marcel Breuer, such as Joachim Driller, Isabelle Hyman, Otakar Macel and Barry Bergdoll. In addition to these and several other essays, the catalogue includes texts by Marcel Breuer and personal accounts by I.M. Pei and Robert F. Gatje, a former partner of Breuer.